Volume 18, Number 1


Turf Wars: How a Jurisdictional Quagmire in Congress Compromises Homeland Security
Joan V. O’Hara, et al.

The Rationalization of Policy: On the Relation Between Democracy and the Rule of Law
Ofer Raban

RLUIPA: Re-Aligning Burdens of Proof, Clarifying Freedoms, and Re-Defining Responsibilities
George P. Smith, II & Philip M. Donoho

“Abusive” Acts and Practices: Dodd-Frank’s Behaviorally Informed Authority Over Consumer Credit Markets and Its Application to Teaser Rates
Patrick M. Corrigan

Accessing Foreign Audit Work Papers and the Conflicting Non-U.S. Laws Defense: A Recent Case Study
Xiao Luo

Volume 17, Number 4


Prison Rape Elimination Act Litigation and the Perpetuation of Sexual Harm
Gabriel Arkles

Criminalizing the Problem of Unexplained Wealth: Illicit Enrichment Offenses and Human Right Violations
Jeffrey R. Boles

When Federal Immigration Exclusion Meets Subfederal Workplace Inclusion: A Forensic Approach to Legislative History
Kati L. Griffith

Sovereignty, Citizenship, and Public Health in the United States
Polly J. Price

Enabling Resistance: How Courts Facilitate Departures From the Law, and Why This May Not Be a Bad Thing
Adam Shinar

Reconsidering the Traditional Analysis: Should Buckman Alone Support Preemption of Fraud-on-the-FDA Exceptions to Tort Immunity?
Joshua D. Lee

Legislating Judicial Review: An Infringement on Separation of Powers
Holly Martin

Volume 17, Number 3


The Future of Voting Rights

Alessandra N. Baniel-Stark

Introductory Remarks of Richard Pildes
Richard Pildes

Remarks of Robert Bauer
Robert Bauer

Remarks of Benjamin L. Ginsberg
Benjamin L. Ginsberg

Remarks of Myrna Pérez
Myrna Pérez

Remarks of Dale Ho
Dale Ho

Remarks of Julie Fernandes
Julie Fernandes

Remarks of Spencer A. Overton
Spencer A. Overton

Remarks of Samuel Issacharoff 
Samuel Issacharoff

Questions and Answers

Voting Rights Litigation After Shelby County: Mechanics and Standards in Section 2 Vote Denial Claims
Dale E. Ho

The Conceits of Our Legal Imagination: Legal Fictions and the Concept of Deemed Authorship
Alina Ng Boyte

Lapides v. Board of Regents of the University of Georgia, State Sovereign Immunity, and the Proper Scope of Waiver-by-Removal
Peter R. Dubrowski