Volume 18, Issue 4


Local Judges and Local Government
Ethan J. Leib

Stepping On (Or Over) the Constitution’s Line: Evaluating FISA Section 702 in a World of Changing “Reasonableness” Under the Fourth Amendment
Patrick Walsh

The Bankruptcy Safe Harbor in Light of Government Bailouts: Reifying the Significance of Bankruptcy As a Backstop to Financial Risk
Jodie A. Kirshner

The Bitcoin Blockchain As Financial Market Infrastructure: A Consideration of Operational Risk
Angela Walch

Toward a State-Centric Cyber Peace?: Analyzing the Role of National Cybersecurity Strategies in Enhancing Global Cybersecurity
Scott J. Shackelford & Andraz Kastelic


“Whose Line Is It Anyway?”: Reducing Witness Coaching by Prosecutors
Brittany R. Cohen

Volume 18, Issue 3

Symposium: “Courts, Campaigns, and Corruption: Judicial Recusal Five Years After Caperton

Opening Remarks
Wendy Weiser

Caperton and the Courts: Did the Floodgates Open?
Adam Liptak, Keith Swisher, James Sample & Bradley A. Smith

The State of Recusal Reform
Charles Geyh, Myles Lynk, Robert S. Peck & The Honorable Toni Clarke

A View From the Bench
Barbara S. Gillers, The Honorable Jonathan Lippman, The Honorable Sue Bell Cobb, The Honorable Maureen O’Connor & The Honorable Louis Butler

Caperton’s Next Generation: Beyond the Bank
Jed Shugerman, Debra Lyn Bassett, Gregory S. Parks, Dmitry Bam & Rex R. Perschbacher

Closing Remarks
Dean Trevor Morrison


Recusal Failure
Dmitry Bam

Three Reasons Why the Challenged Judge Should Not Rule on a Judicial Recusal Motion
Debra Lyn Bassett

Judicial Recusal: Cognitive Biases and Racial Stereotyping
Gregory S. Parks

Caperton on the International Stage
Rex R. Perschbacher

Volume 18, Number 2


Birth Certificates for Children with Same-Sex Parents: A Reflection Of Biology or Something More?
Paula Gerber & Phoebe Irving Lindner

NFIB v. Sebelius and the Right to Health Care: Government’s Obligation to Provide for the Health, Safety, and Welfare of its Citizens
Jack M. Beermann

Recklessness As a State of Mind in 10(b) Cases: The Civil-Criminal Dialectic
Ann M. Olazábal & Patricia S. Abril

Land Costs As Non-Eligible Basis: Arbitrary Restrictions on State Policymaking Authority in the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program
Michael David Williams

Indeterminate and Unrecognized: Exploring the Relationship Between the Morsi Ouster, Post-Coup Sanctions, and the Recognition Power
Daniel N. Swartz

Is Change Always Good? The Adaptability of Social Norms and Incentives to Innovate
Jennifer Basch