Relevant Scholarship
- Krisin N. Henning, Criminalizing Normal Adolescent Behavior in Communities of Color: The Role of Prosecutors in Juvenile Justice Reform, 110 Cornell L. Rev. 383 (2013).
- Note, Juvenile Miranda Waiver and Parental Rights, 78 126 Harv. L.Rev. 2359 (2015).
- Marsha L. Levick and Elizabeth-Ann Tierney, The United States Supreme Court Adopts a Reasonable Juvenile Standard in J.D.B. v. North Carolina for Purposes of the Miranda Custody Analysis: Can a More Reasoned Justice System for Juveniles Be Far Behind?, 47 Harv.C.R.-C.L. L. Rev. 501 (2012).
- Laura Smalarz, Kyle C. Scherr, and Saul M. Kassin, Miranda at 50: A Psychological Analysis, 25 Current Directions in Psychol. Sci. 455 (2016).
- Paul G. Ulrich, Miranda v. Arizona: History, Memories, and Perspectives, 7 Phoenix L. Rev. 203 (2013).
- Jesse-Justin Cuevas & Tonja Jacobi, The Hidden Psychology of Constitutional Criminal Procedure, 37 Cardozo L. Rev. 2161 (2016).