Volume 20, Issue 2


Tipping the Scales of Justice: The Role of the Nonprofit Sliding Scale Law Firm in the Delivery of Legal Services

Can NFL Players Obtain Judicial Review of Arbitration Decisions on the Merits When a Typical Hourly Union Worker Cannot Obtain This Unusual Court Access?
Michael Z. Green & Kyle T. Carney

Too Conflicted to be Transparent: Giving Affordable Financing Its “Good Name” Back
Cassandra Jones Havard

Coordinating Access to Justice for Low- and Moderate-Income People
Ian Weinstein


The Failures of Federal Campaign Finance Preemption
Sam Levor

Quasi-State Actor: How the Application of State Action Doctrine Can Fill a Regulatory Gap in New York Charter School Legislation
Ava L. Ferenci

Volume 20, Issue 1


Taxi Regulation in the Age of Uber
Katrina M. Wyman

Electoral Integrity in Campaign Finance Law
Daniel I. Weiner & Benjamin T. Brickner

Speech v. Conduct, Surcharges v. Discounts: Testing the Limits of the First Amendment and Statutory Construction in the Growing Credit Card Quagmire
Clay Calvert, Rich Shumate, Stephanie A. McNeff, & Stephenson Waters

Workplace Wellness: Social Injustice
Elizabeth A. Brown

Why Negligence Per Se Should Be Abandoned
Barry L. Johnson


Bringing Theory to Practice: Using Optimal Tax Analysis to Guide Real-World Transfer Program Reform
Christopher James Murray

Closing the Black Fiscal Hole: Alternatives to the “Spend It or Lose It” Policy for Agency Discretionary Spending
Leonard Yoo

Volume 19, Issue 4


Eight Years After the Financial Crisis: How Wall Street Reform Strengthened Our Financial System and Laid the Foundation for Long-Run Growth
Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew


The Senate in Transition or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Nuclear Option
William G. Dauster

Proving Disparate Impact in Fair Housing Cases After Inclusive Communities
Robert G. Schwemm & Calvin Bradford

Preventing the Abuse of Service Animal Regulations
Sande Buhai

Teenagers, Twenty Somethings, and Tax Inequality: A Proposal to Simplify the Age Requirements of the Dependency Exemption
C. Garrison Lepow


Judges Are (Not?) Politicians: Williams-Yulee v. The Florida Bar and the Constitutional Law of Redistricting of Judicial Election Districts
Alec Webley

Cybersecurity: Getting Beyond Technical Compliance Gaps
Rebecca Weinstein