Volume 2, Number 2

Spring 1999

Kirp/Kagan Exchange on Adversarial Legalism
Taming Adversarial Legalism: The Port of Oakland’s Dredging Saga Revisited
Christopher B. Busch, David L. Kirp, and Daniel F. Schoenholz

Adversarial Legalism: Tamed or Still Wild?
Robert A. Kagan

Rights, Politics, and Expertise: Righting the Balance
Christopher B. Busch, David L. Kirp and Daniel F. Schoenholz

A Policy Analysis of Individual Liability — The Case for Amending Title VII to Hold Individuals Personally Liable for their Illegal Discriminatory Actions
Tracy L. Gonos

Congressional Involvement in Class Action Reform: A Survey of Legislative Proposals Past and Present
George F. Sanderson III

Volume 2, Number 1

Winter 1998

Metademocratic Interpretation and Separation of Powers
Bernard W. Bell

911: How Will Police and Fire Departments Respond to Public Safety Needs and the Americans with Disabilities Act?
Dawn V. Martin

The Evolution of State Takings Legislation and the Proposals Considered During the 1997-98 Legislative Session
Carl P. Marcellino

Book Review
Greed, Chaos & Governance: Using Public Choice to Improve Public Law by Jerry L. Mashaw
Reviewed by Linda Y. Yueh

Volume 1, Number 1

Symposium Issue – The Legitimacy of Direct Democracy: Ballot Initiatives and the Law

Spring 1997

A Journal of Legislation and Public Policy at New York University
Steven Davis and Sean O. Burton

Articles and Comments
Fear of Voting: Differential Standards of Judicial Review of Direct Legislation 
Mark Tushnet

Direct Democracy, Corporate Power, and Judicial Review of Popularly-Enacted Campaign Finance Reform 
Jamin B. Raskin

Ballot Propositions and Campaign Finance Reform 
Richard Briffault

Direct Democracy By the Majority Can Jeopardize the Civil Rights of Minority or Other Powerless Groups 
John C. Brittain

Buckley, Rupert Murdoch, and the Pursuit of Equality in the Conduct of Elections 
Arthur N. Eisenberg

Corporate Influence in Referenda: A Comment About the Prescription 
Thomas C. Goldstein

Interpretation on the Borderline: Constitution, Canons, Direct Democracy 
Philip P. Frickey

Direct Democracy and Hastily Enacted Statutes 
John Copeland Nagle