Volume 12, Number 2

Fall 2009

Real Property Taxation and Assessment Processes: A Case for a Better Model
Steven V. Melnik & David S. Cenedella

Tailored Participation: Modernizing the APA Rulemaking Procedures
Dorit Rubinstein Reiss

The Fundamental Meaning of “Medical Uncertainty”: Judicial Deference to Selective Science in Gonzales v. Carhart
Ames Grawert

Mentoring Policies to Increase Women’s Participation in Commercial Science
Bo Han

The United States, China, and Extradition: Ready for the Next Step?
Anna MacCormack

Blind Oracle: The Flawed Role of Potential Entry in United States v. Oracle and a Proposal for Change
Jacklyn M. Siegel

Volume 12, Number 1

Fall 2008

Harmful Error: How the Courts’ Failure to Apply the Harmless Error Doctrine Has Obstructed the ADA’s Standing Spectators Rule
Nina Golden & Carolyn Young

Children, Kin, and Court: Designing Third Party Custody Policy to Protect Children, Third Parties, and Parents
Josh Gupta-Kagan

Protecting Foreign Victims of Domestic Violence: An Analysis of Asylum Regulations
Michael G. Heyman

The Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006: The Pitfalls of Prohibition
Lisa Boikess

Political Vote Buying Statutes: Textual Limits, Enforcement Challenges, and the Need for Reform
Ben Holzer

Undocumented Entrepreneurs: Are Business Owners “Employees” Under the Immigration Laws?
Michael Mastman

Volume 11, Number 3

Spring 2008

Municipal Broadband: A Potential Twenty-First Century Utility
Carol Ellison

Balancing the Benefits and Privacy Concerns of Municipal Broadband Applications
E. Casey Lide

“White Space Devices” & the Myths of Harmful Interference
Sascha D. Meinrath  & Michael Calabrese

No Such Thing as “Free” Internet: Safeguarding Privacy and Free Speech in Municipal Wireless Systems
Nicole A. Ozer

Updating Brignoni-Ponce: A Critical Analysis of Race-Based Immigration Enforcement
Kristin Connor

One Step at a Time: Ethical Barriers to Home Genetic Testing and Why the U.S. Health Care System Is Not Ready
Rebecca Antar Novick

Book Review
Questioning Digital Citizenship: The Answer to Economic and Political Inequity?
Lindsey Greer