Volume 13, Number 3

Symposium Issue – Helping America Vote: The Past, Present, and Future of Election Administration
Held April 1, 2010

Fall 2010

Measuring Election System Performance
Stephen Ansolabehere & Nathaniel Persily

The McCain v. Obama Simulation: A Fair Tribunal for Disputed Presidential Elections
Edward B. Foley

What Can the United States Learn from Abroad about Resolving Disputed Elections?
Steven F. Huefner

Registering the Youth through Voter Preregistration
Michael P. McDonald & Matthew Thornburg

Losing Votes by Mail
Charles Stewart III

Refusing to Draw the Line: A Speech-Protective Rule for Art Vending Cases
Christen Martosella

How to Stop a Mole: A Look at Burrowing in the Federal Civil Service
Lauren Mendolera


Volume 13, Number 2

Summer 2010

On Regulating Conflicts of Interest in the Credit Rating Industry
Lynn Bai

An Overview of Tolls of Statutes of Limitations on Account of War: Are They Current and Relevant in the Post-September 11th Era?
Hon. Mark C. Dillon

Election By Lottery: Ballot Order, Equal Protection, and the Irrational Voter
Laura Miller

You Are What Your Food Eats: How Regulation of Factory Farm Conditions Could Improve Human Health and Animal Welfare Alike
Anastasia S. Stathopoulos