Volume 14, Number 3

Fall 2011

Working on the Staff of Senator Ted Kennedy
The Honorable Stephen G. Breyer

Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition
Ruth Sergel

From Triangle Shirtwaist to Windows on the World: Restaurants as the New Sweatshops
Saru Jayaraman

Consensus, Dissensus, and Enforcement: Legal Protection of Working Women from the Time of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire to Today
Marcia L. McCormick

Does Unionization Strengthen Regulatory Enforcement? An Empirical Study of the Mine Safety and Health Administration
Alison Morantz

Suggestions to Solve the Injustices of the New York State Central Register for Abuse and Maltreatment
Molly Greer

A Sign of Things to Come? Drug Policy Reforms in Arizona, California, and New York
Andrea Lofgren

The Devil is in the Details: 18 U.S.C. § 666 After Skilling v. United States
Justin Weitz

Volume 14, Number 2

Dedication Issue – The Legislative Legacy of Senator Edward Kennedy
Held February 1, 2011

Spring 2011

Keys to Kennedy’s Success
Kenneth R. Feinberg

The Humanity of Ted Kennedy
Caroline Kennedy

Inside Game: Getting Things Done in the Senate with Senator Kennedy
Nick Littlefield

Persuade, Don’t Trade
Thomas M. Susman

Ted Kennedy’s Role in Restoring Diplomatic Relations with China
Jerome A. Cohen

Unfinished Business: The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) and the K–12 Education Community
Stuart Biegel

Senator Edward Kennedy: A Lion for Voting Rights
Gilda R. Daniels

Health Reform and Ted Kennedy: The Art of Politics . . . and Persistence
Barry R. Furrow

Eliminating the Need for Caps on Title VII Damage Awards: The Shield of Kolstad v. American Dental Association
Michael C. Harper

Substantial Limitations: Reflections on the ADAAA
Kerri Stone

Remittances and the Charitable Deduction: A New Approach to Encouraging Development in Mexico
Martin Chavez

Volume 14, Number 1

Spring 2011

Filibuster Reform: Curbing Abuse to Prevent Minority Tyranny in the Senate
Senator Tom Harkin

The Other Big Test: Why Congress Should Allow College Students to Borrow More Through Federal Aid Programs
Jonathan D. Glater

In the Name of Watergate: Returning FERPA to Its Original Design
Mary Margaret Penrose

“Civilizing” Drug Paraphernalia Policy: Preserving Our Free Speech and Due Process Rights While Protecting Children
Thomas Regnier

The Permanent Seat of Government: An Unintended Consequence of Heightened Scrutiny Under the Contract Clause
Evan C. Zoldan

Defining the Scope of Extortion Liability After Scheidler v. NOW
Emily Elman

The 2007 Collapse in Securitization: A Case for Regulatory Reform
Robert G. Gucwa

Forfeiture of Confrontation Rights Post-Giles: Whether a Co-Conspirator’s Misconduct Can Forfeit a Defendant’s Right to Confront Witnesses
Adrienne Rose