Volume 15, Number 3

Fall 2012

Bench, Bar, and Immigrant Representation: Meeting an Urgent Need
The Honorable Robert Katzmann

The Roosevelt-Cardozo Way: The Case for Bar Eligibility After Two Years of Law School
Samuel Estreicher

Funding the People’s Right
Julian Darwall and Martin Guggenheim

Associational Rights and Standing: Does Citizens United Require Constitutional Symmetry between the First Amendment and Article III?
Glenn D. Magpantay

Race and Representation: Racial Disparities in Legal Representation for Employment Civil Rights Plaintiffs
Amy Myrick, Robert L. Nelson, and Laura Beth Nielsen

Collaborative Technology Improves Access to Justice
Michael J. Wolf

Seeking Justice for America’s Forgotten Victims: Reforming the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act Terrorism Exception
Ilana Arnowitz Drescher

Doomed to Repeat: Why Sequestration and the Budget Control Act of 2011 Are Unlikely to Solve Our Solvency Woes
Christopher D. Dodge

Volume 15, Number 2

Spring 2012

Equal Justice at Risk: Confronting the Crisis in Civil Legal Services
The Honorable Jonathan Lippman

A National Perspective on New York State Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman’s Initiative
Helaine M. Barnett

Recovering the Individual in Politics
Daniel R. Ortiz

Once and Future Gift Taxation of Transfers to Section 501(c)(4) Organizations: Current Law, Constitutional Issues, and Policy Considerations
Ellen P. Aprill

Square Pegs: The Challenges for Existing Federal Campaign Finance Disclosure Laws in the Age of the Super PAC
Cynthia L. Bauerly & Eric C. Hallstrom

Speaking Truth to the Power that Funds Them: A Jurisprudence of Association for Advocacy Organizations Financially Dependent on Government Grants and Contracts
Frances R. Hill

NAACP v. Alabama and False Symmetry in the Disclosure Debate
Dale E. Ho

Money Managers in the Middle: Seeing and Sanctioning Political Spending After Citizens United
Jennifer S. Taub

The $500 Million Question: Are the Democratic and Republican Governors Associations Really State PACs Under Buckley‘s Major Purpose Test?
Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

States as Laboratories for Federal Reform: Case Studies in Felon Disenfranchisement Law
Lynn Eisenberg

Volume 15, Number 1

Winter 2012

Should Size Matter When Regulating Firms? Implications from Backdating of Executive Options
Deniz Anginer, M.P. Narayanan, Cindy A. Schipani, & H. Nejat Seyhun

Principles-Based Regulation and Legislative Congruence
Vincent Di Lorenzo

Cutting Municipal Services During Fiscal Crisis: Lessons from the Denial of Services to Condominium and Homeowner Association Owners
Gerald Korngold

Federalism and the Question of Uniform Laws: The Case of Third Party “Standing” Provisions
Lawrence Schlam

The House of Cards is Falling: Why States Should Cooperate on Legal Gambling
Jamisen Etzel