Volume 16, Number 3

The CPLR at Fifty: Its Past, Present, and Future


Peter Dubrowski

Introducing Judge Weinstein
Oscar G. Chase

CPLR’s Genesis
The Honorable Jack B. Weinstein

Remarks of Chief Judge Kaye
The Honorable Judith S. Kaye

Remarks: The History of New York Civil Procedure
William Nelson

The CPLR at Fifty: A View from Academia
Vincent C. Alexander

The CPLR: A Practitioner’s Perspective
David L. Ferstendig

When Can You Teach an Old Law New Tricks?
Philip A. Wallach

Making it to Class: Socioeconomic Diversity and the Statutory Authority of the Department of Education
Britton Kovachevich

Volume 16, Number 2

A Celebration of Baseball Unionism 


Paul D. Brachman and Bert Forsythe

Along Comes the Players Association: The Roots and Rise of Organized Labor in Major League Baseball
Ross E. Davies

Introducing Marvin Miller
Peter Miller

Remarks: Reflections on Baseball and the MLBPA
Marvin Miller

Roundtable Discussion on Marvin Miller, the MLBPA, and Baseball

Marvin Miller’s Lasting Legacy
Michael Weiner

Labor Law Reform Again? Reframing Labor Law as a Regulatory Project
Cynthia Estlund

Bretton Woods 1.0: A Constructive Retrieval for Sustainable Finance
Robert Hockett

Trying the Carrot and Sparing the Stick: An Incentive Based Reform Proposal for NLRB Elections, Voluntary Recognition, and Withdrawal of Recognition
The Honorable Nicholas M. Ohanesian

Vote of Confidence: Crawford v. Marion County Election Board, Voter Identification Laws, and the Suppression of a Structural Right
Richard W. Trotter

Deferring to Congressional Interpretations of Ambiguous Statutory Provisions
Matthew Robinson

Strong Medicine: Procedural Limitations and Their Effect on Vaccine Injury Claims
Justin Roller

Volume 16, Number 1


Placing “REINS” on Regulations: Assessing the Proposed REINS Act
Jonathan H. Adler

A Rose by Any Other Name: Why a Parens Patriae Action Can be a “Mass Action” Under the Class Action Fairness Act
Enrique Schaerer

A Uniform Perpetuities Reform Act
Scott Andrew Shepard

The REINS Act and the Struggle to Control Agency Rulemaking
Jonathan R. Siegel

Constraining the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure through the Federalism Canons of Statutory Interpretation
Margaret S. Thomas

Outlawing Honest Graft
Paul D. Brachman