Volume 17, Number 2


The Independence of the Vice Presidency
Roy E. Brownell II

Evolution, Not Revolution: A Legislative History of the New York Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act
Harvey P. Dale, Victoria B. Bjorklund, Jennifer I. Reynoso, & Jillian P. Diamant

Lowering the Bar: How Lawyer Discipline in New York Fails to Protect the Public
Stephen Gillers

Making Victims Whole: Compensation of Nuclear Incident Victims in Japan and the United States
Ken Lerner & Edward Tanzman

A Sustainable Budget Should Endure Any Storm
Philip O. Shapiro

Volume 17, Number 1


An Analysis of FDA’s Drug Safety Authorities: Challenges and Opportunities Under a New Regulatory Framework
Kevin M. Fain, Keeve E. Nachman, & Laine Rutkow

“Conditional Admission” and Other Mysteries: Setting the Record Straight on the “Admission” Status of Refugees and Asylees
Laura Murray-Tjan

Mandatory Informed Consent Disclosures in the Diagnostic Context: Sometimes Less is More
Krista J. Sterken, Michael B. Van Sicklen, & Norman Fost

Unaccountable Midnight Rulemaking? A Normatively Informative Assessment
Edward H. Stiglitz

The Foster Care System Looking Forward: The Growing Fiscal and Policy Rationale for the Elimination of the “AFDC Look-Back”
Shardé Armstrong

Transparency and the Office of Legal Counsel
Eric Messinger

Volume 16, Number 4

Special Introduction from Symposium Organizers

Angelyn C. Frazer

Criminal Justice in the 21st Century:
Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Disparity in the Criminal Justice System

In Search of Racial Justice: The Role of the Prosecutor
Angela J. Davis

Across the Hudson: Taking the Stop and Frisk Debate Beyond New York City
David A. Harris

Stop Terry: Reasonable Suspicion, Race, and a Proposal to Limit Terry Stops
Renée McDonald Hutchins

“Give Us Free”: Addressing Racial Disparities in Bail Determinations
Cynthia E. Jones

Criminal Records, Race and Redemption
Michael Pinard

Implicitly Unjust: How Defenders Can Affect Systemic Racist Assumptions
Jonathan A. Rapping

“Curing” Own Race Bias: What Cognitive Science and the Henderson Case Teach About Improving Juror’s Ability to Identify Race-Trained Eyewitness Error
Andrew E. Taslitz

Good Intentions: A National Survey of Life Sentences for Nonviolent Offenses
Caitlyn Lee Hall

Verisimilitude in National Security Cases
Joel Todoroff